by manajemenfeb | Jun 30, 2022 | News, SDGs
FEB Undip Management in collaboration with LSP Brilliant and BNSP held:
With the HR Supervisor scheme consisting of 5 competency units, namely:
1. Arranging the Job Description
2. Arranging the HRM Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
3. Arranging the Remuneration System
4. Arranging the Learning and Development Needs
5. Making a Work Agreement
Participants are trained directly by HR Practitioners and HR Competency Assessors and are entitled to receive:
1. Training certificate from LDP KPN
2. Certificate of competence from BNSP
This Competency Certification will be held on:
🗓: Monday, 20 June 2022
🕗: 08.00 WIB – finish
📍: Zoom Meeting
🗓: Monday, 27 June 2022
📍: Gedung A FEB Undip
FEB Undip student certification fees are financed by FEB Undip

by manajemenfeb | May 4, 2022 | News
FEB Undip Lecturer Drs. Mohammad Kholiq Mahfud, M.P. Passed Away
Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un.. Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un.. Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un..
We as the family of Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University along with the entire community in FEB, express deepest condolences for the death:
Drs. Mohammad Kholiq Mahfud, M.P. – Lecturer in Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University.
May his deeds of worship be accepted by Allah SWT and the families left behind are given strength and fortitude. Amin ya rabbal alamin.
by manajemenfeb | Feb 12, 2022 | Testimonials
Deductive Reasoning and Press Theory Important for Establishing Originality in Research in the Field of Management Science

by manajemenfeb | Jan 12, 2022 | Testimonials
Satrio Eko Nugroho
Management Class of 2017
Studying in Department of Management at Diponegoro University is the best moments of my life. The decision to go far away from hometown and studying in Semarang gave me many life meanings and lessons. Management of Undip became my comfort second home and support my personal development. The best lecturers are here can be my discussion partners and help me gain the best achievement in learning as a student. Management of Undip is also has friendly staff and is supported by very adequate campus facilities to support the lecture process. Self-development outside of academic activities is also available here. There are many student activities, talent interests, competitions, and various student communities have become their own colors to make the college period more exciting and fun to live. Management of Undip also prepares graduates with the best profiles who are ready to compete in the world of professional work or become entrepreneurs. This is how I feel when I graduated with a Bachelor of Management from Undip, it created confidence for me to compete. Then I was very grateful because it didn’t take long after graduation, I managed to get my dream job in one of the biggest companies in Indonesia, outdo thousands of other candidates from different university backgrounds. Many great people’s journey of success starts from here, so very happy and proud to be studying at Undip Management, hopefully in the future always Undip Jaya!!
by manajemenfeb | Nov 6, 2020 | News
On Thursday last week (14/03), at the Hall Building C of the Economics and Business Faculty, a Guest Lecturer Lecture was held with the theme Global Leadership. On this occasion, the Undip FEB International Office presented Professor Robert Evans as the International Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law at Curtin University as a resource. This event received a positive response from students, especially FEB students.
This was evidenced by the number of participants who attended this event. In line with the theme, Professor Robert delivered material about Global Leadership to the audience. On this occasion, he explained how the difference between leadership and management from various aspects. In order to provide an in-depth explanation regarding Global Leadership, Professor Robert also explained various things that are challenges in Global Leadership. (more…)