by manajemenfeb | Nov 23, 2023 | Academic, Agenda, News
Office of the Rector
Prof. H. Soedarto, S.H. Street, Tembalang, Semarang
Phone: (024) 7460037 – Fax: (024) 7460038
Number: 375/UNT.A2/KU/X1/2023
Subject: Adjustment of Tuition Fees for Odd Semester 2023/2024
Deans of Faculties/Schools
within Diponegoro University
Based on the Rector’s Decision Number 152/UN7.A/HK/IV/2023 regarding the Academic Calendar of Diponegoro University for the Academic Year 2023/2024, we hereby provide information regarding the adjustment of Single Tuition Fees (UKT) for the Odd Semester 2023/2024.
The payment of UKT for the Odd Semester 2023/2024 will be conducted from January 2 to February 3, 2024. Diponegoro University provides an opportunity for students to request the adjustment of UKT following the Rector’s Regulation Number 9 of 2021, with the following provisions:
1. UKT adjustment includes:
a. Adjustment to a higher fee group;
b. Adjustment to a lower fee group;
c. Reduction of UKT;
d. Exemption from payment;
e. Payment in installments;
f. Postponement of payment; or
g. Other forms determined by the Rector.
2. The schedule for the UKT adjustment process is as follows:
– November 13 – December 1, 2023: Submission of UKT adjustment requests by students
– November 14 – December 12, 2023: Verification of UKT adjustment requests at the Faculty/School level
– December 13, 2023: Deadline for the submission of UKT adjustment proposals from Faculties/Schools to the University
– December 18 – 21, 2023: Verification of UKT adjustments at the University level
– December 22, 2023: Rector’s Decision on UKT Adjustments
3. Submissions are to be made online through the website.
We express our gratitude for your attention and cooperation.
On behalf of the Rector
Vice Rector for Human Resources
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Heru Susanto. S.T., M.M., M.T.
NIP 197505291998021001
by manajemenfeb | Nov 23, 2023 | Agenda, News
Semarang, November 20, 2023
In an engaging collaboration, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Diponegoro University (Undip) and the University of Malaya will be hosting a seminar titled “Financial Impacts of Sustainable Initiatives” on Wednesday, November 22, 2023, at the KWU Hall, 4th Floor of FEB Undip.
The event will feature two prominent speakers, namely Prof. Che Ruhana, an expert in Management Accounting and Behavior who also serves as a Committee Member for Doctoral and Bachelor Programs, and Dr. Ervina binti Alfan, the Dean of FEB at the University of Malaya, known for expertise in Accounting Education and Financial Reporting.
The seminar session is scheduled to take place from 13:00 to 16:00, following Jakarta Time. The event is exclusively open to all Undip students, and notably, participation is entirely free. Attending students will have the opportunity to receive a signed electronic certificate as a token of appreciation for their participation in this event.
Moreover, participants will also have the chance to expand their networks by interacting and discussing with fellow students and gaining new knowledge from the perspectives of experts.
To register, Undip students can access []( The seminar is expected to serve as a beneficial platform for delving deeper into the connection between finance and sustainable business practices.
by manajemenfeb | Oct 4, 2022 | Agenda, News
Semarang – 12/11/22

The International Undergraduate Program (IUP) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro held a Leadership Camp for IUP FEB Undip students batch 2021.
Leadership Camp is an annual event held by IUP FEB Undip. The participants are students of the 3rd semester IUP FEB Undip program.
“Becoming an excellent and strong student is our hope for students, especially the student IUP program. This is because you have the obligation of International Exposure and inevitably study abroad,” said Deputy Dean for Resources, Dr Warsito Kawedar, SE., MSi., Akt.

Warsito conveyed the message in the opening session of the 2022 Leadership Camp event held in the Main Meeting Room, FEB Undip Tembalang Campus, Semarang, Central Java, Saturday (12/11/2022)
The event started with a Public Speaking session delivered by Mrs Bonita D. Sempurno. The material session was then continued by the Alfalink Team who presented the International Exposure procedure.

“Being a foreign student abroad is not bad, in fact, it is entertaining. I have many friends, amazing experiences, and knowledge. There, I know to be independent, develop new mindsets, and be more open,” said Benz, one of the students, who has done the Double Degree program at Saxion University, Netherlands.
by manajemenfeb | Oct 4, 2022 | Agenda
Seminar – Workshop – Call Papers – PkM
Hotel Patra Resort Bali, 25-27 Oktober 2022
Hybrid Session: Online dan Offline
Tema Seminar Nasional FMI 2022 Bali
Resolusi Manajemen Investasi Berintegritas pada Era Digital