by manajemenfeb | Nov 23, 2023 | Announcement, News
1. Active D3/S1 students, preferably majoring in accounting/management/business or related fields.
2. Proficient in Microsoft Excel.
3. Capable of working accurately and with attention to detail.
4. Willing to commit to a full-time internship for a minimum of 3 months.
Please send your application and CV to the following address:
Jl. Semarang – Demak No.Km 15.5,
Kec. Karangtengah, Kabupaten Demak,
Jawa Tengah 59563 (PT. Arthe Hayu Indoresin).
Contact: 0812-4135-3324
Or via email to:
PT. Arthe Hayu Indoresin
Jl. Semarang – Demak No.Km 15.5,
Kec. Karangtengah, Kabupaten Demak,
Jawa Tengah 59563
Phone: 0812-4135-3324
by manajemenfeb | Oct 4, 2022 | Announcement
For Management study program students who are in semester 9 and only need to take 6 credits, please submit a maximum UKT refund of 50%
by manajemenfeb | Oct 4, 2022 | Announcement
In order to provide welfare services for Universitas Diponegoro students who are still affected by Covid-19, Universitas Diponegoro provides assistance in the form of nutritious food for students.
by manajemenfeb | Oct 4, 2022 | Announcement
For management study program students who want to take part in national seminars in call for papers and national seminars, please click on the following link:
by manajemenfeb | Oct 4, 2022 | Announcement
For students of the Management Study Program, please attend the Lekantara seminar.
by manajemenfeb | Oct 4, 2022 | Announcement
Regarding the student’s obligation to complete the Final Project in the form of a Thesis, hereby the Undergraduate Study Program of the Faculty of Management. UNDIP Economics and Business, announces the List of Thesis Supervisors as listed in the attachment to this Announcement.