Ejournal Undip
Publishes a wide range of scientific journals that provide high-quality content and source articles that drive the world’s most impactful scientific discoveries and advancements.
Blog Undip
In cyberspace, stories and thoughts can be written in a blog, as a work of the academic community of Diponegoro University.
The Undip Library has a variety of literature that supports learning, research and service activities (Tri Dharma of Higher Education)
Halo Undip
In the digital world, live chat is here to help you with everything about Undip, you will easily find it at your fingertips.

KKN Undip Mendorong Kesejahteraan Ibu Hamil dan Ibu Baru Melalui Edukasi Manajemen Keuangan
Boyolali, 27 Juli 2024 — Viona Anggiawinata, mahasiswa Universitas Diponegoro, sukses melaksanakan...
KKN Undip Bawa Harapan Baru: Pahlawan Keuangan bagi Pelaku Judi Online di Desa Pantirejo!
Sragen, 3 Agustus 2024 – Annisa Isna Rahma, seorang mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam program Kuliah...
Inovasi Digital dan Branding Memukau: Mahasiswa KKN Memimpin Revolusi Media Sosial untuk UMKM di Desa Pantirejo
Sragen, 24 Juli 2024 – Annisa Isna Rahma, seorang mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam program Kuliah...
Menanam Benih Masa Depan: Mahasiswa KKN UNDIP Desa Wiro Mengajak Anak-anak Menabung Sejak Dini
Klaten, 30 Juli 2024 – Suharti Radivani, mahasiswa Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Universitas Diponegoro...
Waspada Pinjol dan Judol: Edukasi untuk Masa Depan Lebih Aman oleh Mahasiswa KKN UNDIP 2024 di Desa Tuban
Karanganyar, 4 Agustus 2024 - Dalam upaya memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat mengenai bahaya...
Pelatihan Digitalisasi UMKM Makanan Lokal di Desa Tuban: Strategi Meningkatkan Akses Pasar melalui ShopeeFood
Karanganyar, 28 Juli 2024 – Nava Vania, mahasiswa KKN TIM II Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP),...
Uncover the mysteries of nature and technology in vivid experiments. Books and journals, loyal companions in hand, Campus is a place where research comes to life.
Devotion is always the application of knowledge for the good of society. Teaching, sharing and inspiring, the University is a sacred place of service.
Ulang Tahun FEB Ke-76
Strengthening a Noble and Valuable World-Class Faculty through Synergy and Accelerated Growth
Temukan Kami

Sustainable Development Goals Undip
“Diponegoro University, as a higher education institution in Indonesia, is committed to implementing various programs related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All faculties, schools, and other units at Undip have developed programs and activities aimed at achieving the 17 SDG goals. This effort supports the Indonesian government’s commitment to reaching its national SDG targets.”
- Rumah Sakit Nasional Diponegoro (RSND)
- Klinik Pratama Undip
- Badan Konsultasi Mahasiswa